Monday, May 25, 2009

My Mom Skyped Me!

It started off like a typical Memorial Day.
Someone was raising a flag down my quiet, Rancho Cordova Street - a suburb of beautiful, downtown Sacramento. And that's about where typical stopped.

One story below my window, I see fragrant, white gardenia blooms - pushed up en masse by recent warm weather - covering a thick, green bush like picnic popcorn bursting onto manicured grass. I slowly navigate to my apartment's front door, open it and take a deep breath of cool, morning air then make my way to my computer to check my email and maybe do some online homework.

Not too long after going online, my Skype program lit up my screen and a familiar tone and lyrical, futuristic, electronic beep melody chimed from the computer's speakers. I looked but didn't immediately identify the caller, but chose to answer it anyway - it was a holiday after all. And I'm so glad I did.
To my joyful surprise, it was my Mom!
And, slowly, it began dawning on me that she was calling me on Skype, the free (for Skype to Skype users) video, audio conferencing, IM and text internet messaging service; the same service I was attending some of my online classes through.
I asked her to get the program or ask brother and sister to download it for her and finally they did! Hoo-Yah!

Ellen greeted me, was operating the computer at first and told me Mama wanted to talk to me. I felt a little giddy, like a kid who got picked to play in a playground, pick-up game of ball.
And, although I am a little old to worry about Mom wanting to talk to me, that familiar twinge of, 'Uh-Oh, what did I do' came and passed in a microsecond. That fleeting feeling didn't fully go away until Mom's cherub-like face filled the screen. Her well-groomed, thick head of more silver than black locks flowed from the top of her head like a cascading waterfall, resting on her shoulders like a calm lake. Her face lit up as she saw me and her warmest, cheek puffing smile quickly replaced a look of anticipation and slight bewilderment. She spoke a joyful, 'Ooooh, hello, Greg!'
"Hi Mom!" I replied, realizing how much my voice had shifted up a few octaves to sound like a school kid again.

"Oh, wow, I can see him!" she said in transfixed amusement.
She marveled at being able to see me through my sister's computer. But, as mom usually does when she hasn't seen me in awhile, she took great joy in pointing out that I had lost weight - for a change.

She usually is the first one to tell me I gained weight by puffing her cheeks like Dizzy Gillespie did when he blew his horn. Certainly not the way I wanted her to remember me nor point out, thank you very much. But that's what mom's do; at least that's what my mom does.

We did some catching up with Ellen refereeing disputes in time line and conduct like who tormented whom about posture when we were kids just as Ellen was reminding mom to maintain her posture now. I think we are mutually thankful for the admonishment.

And then we talked about things mother's and sons talk about; how am I doing, really, am I eating right, getting enough sleep, am I dating anyone... Oh, and 'what's all that stuff behind me she could see in the background?' Ratz! I think I told her I was still moving in... H-yah.

We talked about gardening and how her yard was in need of some tending to and how, if she could get me to NYC, I would take care of the tall grasses threatening to squeeze out her herb garden. I told her I'd be happy to - I am overdue for a NYC reunion. She jokingly offered to send me a helicopter as my coach. My sister and I clowned her a bit, telling her a 'helo' wouldn't make it in one shot from Cali. I think she knew.

I think EC said mom was too cheap to have Alzheimer's but sometimers was affordable. Mom laughed at each option - she is of the Blessed and Healed, Praise God; she is quite spry and her faculties are intact. I forget more things than she does. I am healed too! I'm claiming that!

We had a Grand time, talking for a few hours, catching up, laughing and telling each other how good we looked. It's always good to talk to mom. Shes quite a character and a Blessing to us, the community and anyone she comes in contact with!
As for me, if mom doesn't tell me I look good, who will? One rarely asks, 'how do I look?' to just anyone; they might just tell you the truth. But with mom? She usually always says, 'I look good.' Unless my face is getting fat. Then I get the Gillespie cheeks... Thing.

After a while, the novelty seemed to wear off and she tried to get off the line, assuring and me that 'I' (meaning me) had other things to do. But EC laughed from off screen, confirming what I already knew from many past experiences trying to keep up with mama. EC and I both knew that Mama, unhindered by being past her octogenarian years - like that slowed her down at all - has a calendar of things to do and plenty of blue-haired friends to do them with!

Well, God Bless ya, Mom! I and we all love you now and always.
Happy Memorial Day '09!

And thanks for the Skype call!

Me? I'm just fine.

(Top left: Mom's 90th Birthday invitation -pic from Point Loma, California (I think -Hawai'i maybe?), center top, Mom and me @ San Diego Airport, below, Mom portrait, bottom, Mom lookin' hot with sons Rodney and Merrill in the 50's.)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

When Super Heroes Go Bad

Thank God I never saw my childhood icons
on the down and out...
I mean, I could understand Popeye, maybe.
He was a sailor after all.

C'mon Blue Power Ranger...

No Caption Necessary

I didn't even have to ask this Californian if he was...
Well; u know.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Eternal Damnation! ... Uh... JK

Great News!
I got the best religious pamphlet message I've ever received this morning.
It showed how, in a month to month progression,one could go through the Bible in a year. That was kinda cool.

But the best part was a disclaimer on a separate piece of paper that read: This book was printed before we had correct Biblical knowledge of God's judgment process. Therefore, please disregard statement within it that speaks of such things as Eternal Damnation. Thank you.

That's the best news ever! Yes, I was worried... A little...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Sad Day?

Not to date myself (too late) but there was a time when paying for cable meant I could watch my favorite programs without commercial interruption; that was one of the allures. BTW, I refuse to pay $200 (a month!) to watch all the premium channels on cable or Dish. The psychology is boggling; I buy a TV, then I have to pay to watch it?!? There's just something very wrong about that to me.

Now, things are so different, there are so many cable channels available, with commercials which I'm paying for now that I'm thinking about it. And as I sit here, I find myself in programming doldrums when there's nothing on that is as dramatic, compelling and intellectually stimulating as...
Sponge Bob Square Pants.

OMG, so this is what a brain feels like when it finally turns into mush.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

At Last

A strange thing happened this evening. Grace.

I've been living here in this northern California apartment since September '08 - thanks Randy and family - and only today did I finally muster the wits and strength to do some extensive cleanup around this place - wow, the carpet is beige. Afterward, I planned on rewarding myself with a chicken, vegetable and pasta dinner. I thought about little else all day.

Now, I know it's not the cooking that was different, although it was seasoned nicely; the few things I prepared on the stove top or in the microwave would pass for dinner.

While preparing the last part of the meal - a sweet potato with brown sugar and cinnamon - I looked through the apartment to the back closet - not that I had to look that far - the apartment's only about twenty feet deep.

The pale yellow hall light cast its usual dim pall, but there was something different. I'm not sure if it was the way it lit the egg cream-colored walls or the teal and sea-blue towels hanging over the doors but for the first time since I moved in here it felt like an apartment. Finally, it felt alive.
I pray it's me coming to life again.

Do you know what I mean? Have you felt that feeling?
I'm certain it's me changing my mindset through the last few months; my paradigm shifting. Me believing again.
So, I thought, 'the adage is true.' When you chance the way you look at things, the things you look at change the way they look.
Sounds a bit Taoist.
You know, 'The act of looking at something changes the thing you are looking at.' Or something like that.

In any event, it's still very cool.

This far by Grace.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ain't No Moutain High... Enough!

Seeing the world from a mountain top or another person's point of view can change life itself.

Perspective is the ability to adapt to survive good times and adversity. It's a life skill that serves well.

I think it was Buckminster Fuller who said, "There is nothing in a caterpillar that says it's going to become a butterfly."
I've always thought that comment holds so much promise...

Going through some days is as effortless as breathing and life feels like it is going the way it should. Some days the transformation from who you were to the person you are becoming is effortless.

But some days...
Some days, life is like a high-wire act.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

He Loved Me...

When I didn't Love Myself.

He held on when I had let go.

He Lifted Me Up when I had given up.

He said, "Come To Me," when all others said, "Go; leave."

He sent Angels even when I was in my darkest places.

And He Sent Miracles when I had lost my Faith.

I am so Grateful to the Lord of My Life...

Jesus Christ who died for me and Jehovah Jireh who provides for me...

2009, January 1 - This Far By Grace...

Thanks Mom for bringing me to Him and showing me His Love and Care.