Saturday, August 2, 2008

Brotherhood Of The Natural Disaster

It's funny how in La-La town, how suddenly an earthquake make people - even strangers - talk to each other.

These are the same people who pass each other daily, avoiding you rather than talking to you.

Did you feel it?
Wow! Was that an earthquake?
First time?
Oh, that wasn't so bad...

To paraphrase the great Yogi Berra, 'The more I learn about California, the more I learn about California.'
I just know I'm going to scratch a groove in my skull from all the odd behavior I've seen here.
I know I've got to change my social circle, but come on.

God forbid that it takes a natural disaster to make people talk to each other.

1 comment:

Marc said...

Other than the smog, the traffic, the crime, and the fact that the earth can open up and swallow you alive at any second, is there really that much wrong with LA?