Thursday, July 17, 2008

Fair AND Balanced?

I have never been so angry at a TV before in my life.
I watched Fox News for the first time on purpose the last few days.
Not really on purpose.
The proprietor of a cafe in Sacramento where I go online has it tuned in and leaves it on after he leaves. Okay. Free cable. But, OMG!
I should have known when D.L. Hugley said that when he turns on Fox News his TV leans to the right. I can see why.

The O'Reilly factor, had me saying O'Really? so many times I thought I was one of the unfortunate babbling comatose. But my eyes were open and I thought I was cognizant. The pictures were the same as other network stations, but the words were kind of like that late night program where they show a familiar movie, but make up their own dialog.

The views and the slant were amazing to me. But then, after I got past the initial shock of blatant ideology, a scab formed on my sensibilities, and I began to listen past the rhetoric.
It's point of view, especially on the no spin zone, borders on jeuvenile, na-na-nah-knee-na-naaaa, journalism and commentary. And then he reads email.
It seems more like shock jock journalism.

But the scariest thing I realized about Fox "News" is that there are people who have a similar opinion, world-view outlook and believe in what these journalists are saying or worse, that they are reporting the truth. Someone said truth is just a point of view.
Now, that's disturbing.

The upside is that I don't need to diet, Fox's fair AND balanced news programs had my pressure up so high I 'm burning more calories than with Billy Blanks.

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