Monday, July 14, 2008

Modern Times

Have you had your recommended daily allowance of 'Forms' today?

You know.
If you want to get something done, the litany of checklists and, of course, all the corresponding forms for just about everything you want or want changed.

Thing is, the people who require you to fill out the forms usually have no idea why they are necessary. It's like a rote society performing tasks because that's what they were told to do, that's the way it's always been done, and, without question, they do it like a faithful automaton.
all I have to say is, "Danger! Will Robinson!"
I really wish I could get all the Dr. Smith's out of my way and out of my life.

Then there's the lament of what happens to all those forms after you submit them. Where do they go; really? Is a file of my content or discontent being monitored? Did they find their way to the circular file? Then the worst, when you follow up, it can't be found and you have to re-submit.

On the up side, there's a feeling you get after you submit the form; one of completion, accomplishment, or at least one of working within the system . It's kind of like dropping your kid off at the day care center or at school.

All you can do is hope for the best.

And while you're at it, fill out a form.
It does a body good.

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