Thursday, July 17, 2008

What City Is This?

You know you are a true Wanderer when you wake in a strange bed and in a moment of panic, you say to yourself, "What city is this?"

That's not such a bad thing, until the panic gets the better of you, making you run to the window and look out. Again not such a bad thing. That usually clears up any question as to where you are, unless you look out and still can't tell what city you're in - either because all woods look pretty much the same and many cities look pretty much the same.
It happens to Wanderers.

Thankfully, there's always the boarding passes or bus ticket stubs in your pocket that at least narrow your choices down to two cities unless you have those economy flights that bounce to several cities before your final destination. The sequence should help at least.

With that knowledge calming you a bit, and if it isn't past checkout time, you can at least go back to bed secure in the knowledge that you are indeed...

Happy Wandering...

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