Thursday, July 24, 2008

Good Pilots Focus On The Runway

I remember when I was a kid I wanted to fly.
But my parents said, no, it was too far to fall.

I remember when I wanted to play organized football.
But my folks said, no, you might get hurt.

I remember wanting to be a jazz musician.
But my folks said, no, you'll become a drug addict.

So, now, so many years later, I've noticed when I want to do something,
I look at the obstacles, not the goal.
I am changing that paradigm.

A new friend of mine told me a story about pilots who crashed and how they fell into two categories - the ones who crashed badly and the ones who crashed less badly.
He said, the ones who crashed badly spoke of all the obstacles in their way, be it wind, controls, whatever. The ones who crashed, but not too badly, spoke of how they stayed focused on the runway.

Sports helped me see things differently.
The end zone, the home plate, the basket, the gold ring, the best time, the finish line tape, the degree, the whole nine yards, whatever; it feels good when I get there.
I get the highest compliments when I do.
But, how do I make that leap in real life? I used to ask myself.

Then, I thought about my young son in Sacramento.
For too long, I whined and lamented about wanting to be there while finding every reason or excuse not to be - all the while looking at the obstacles, not the goal.
Instead, I went to Italy, Spain, Germany, Malta, Portugal, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Cypress, Greece and France. Oh, and San Diego, Los Angeles, New York and New Jersey.

Now, I am focusing on the goal.
Now, I can see the runway clearly.
Now, I too am in Sacramento.

1 comment:

Marc said...

I'm happy for you too, Wanderer.