Saturday, July 12, 2008

Pit Bull Shi**er

You know one.
I know one.
Hell, I even know a few.
But an ex-girlfriend stands out. I think she was pathological. No, that would have been a legitimate, medical disorder and excusable.
She was just a liar out to get something for nothing.
Thing is, empty people will never be filled, no matter what they are given or take.

The worst kind of Pit Bull Shi**er;
someone close to you but with an AK, like the Viet Cong of old.

You know how to spot a Pit Bull Shi**er, right?

They seem normal enough, at first, but there will be violated dress codes explained away, socially odd behavior in themselves or their children they'll expertly explain away. And they'll tell you believable enough stories until you start looking for the excuse for the behavior or event and not the truth. That's when the real Pit Bull Shi**ing begins. Hide your wallet. Nah, let her have the wallet, hide your annuities, IRAs and your kid's inheritance.

Now pay attention.

They'll tell you a lie. Innocent enough at first. Then they'll tell you another and another. They'll tell you lies of division, then, if that works, they begin to lose respect for you for being stupid or nieve enough to believe their cock and bull story. Then, they'll begin to tell you lies of derision, they'll tell you lies of illusion, they'll tell you lies of omission, like, "Sure I can have children," when they know full well they've had a hysterectomy. Heck, in their deluded world, they believe you'll never know until the third or fifth or 25th attempt at getting pregnant - not a bad thing - they also usually good lovers. If it's a woman, she might even try to convince you that it's you who have the problem. Then another lie and another and another.

Depending on how you deal with their lies is directionally proportional to how many more lies they'll tell you. And this Pit Bull Shi**er won't stop until their house of glass falls apart, or if they leave - if you're lucky.

Funny thing about glass, you can see through it, but you never know exactly what. That damned prism effect. But when it falls, you can generally bet it shatters. And it ain't gonna be pretty.

Pit Bull Shi**ers live to lie. They know they are morally and socially bankrupt and lack the skills to live up to the words they spew. But, they have an uncanny ability to work people or 'the system' that they know they can never live up to;
There's something innately disgusting about society not really liking liars.

Did somebody cry "Wolf!"

They know they're lying and they'll bluff 'til the end of time, if they think you don't know they're lying. In addition, they have told so many lies that if you find one out, there are still several others they can fall back on. Almost like land mines placed by a retreating army.

"Buy me a house," says she.
Uhhh... No. Tell me the truth..., says I.
"You calling me a liar?" says she.
"Why, yes," says I.

A popular "pimp" phrase today says, "Don't hate the playa, hate the game." I say hate the game and beat the playa. And here's the best part about brining an end to the game: their realization that you knew. What will bother them most is how long.

One of the best ways to beat a Pit Bull Shi**er - there's plenty if you look for the truth - is to gather up all their lies (that you know about) in one basket, wait for them to reassure you that they are the most sincere, prototypical, carbon-based hominid to ever walk the earth and then, when they are their Pit Bull Shi**iest, lock the doors - or unlock them - and open the basket.

Watching the Pit Bull Shi**er try to run for cover is worth it.
Ever turn on a light in a friend's house who has roaches? Ever stand there and watch them in National Geographic amazement?
Yeah; something like that.

1 comment:

Marc said...

Ouch...I wish I knew that one. Um, maybe not.