Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Gas Prices Crisis Solved

I know how to end the California and national rising gas prices crisis.

Take those annoying, noisy, gas powered, air blower thing-ies from those landscapers!
What ever happened to rakes?

The nation would save billions of barrels of oil and billions of gallons of gas a year without those things, not to mention reducing all the dust pollution, the noise pollution and all the allergens they stir up unnecessarily.

I was most upset about this travesty when I saw one man blowing fallen leaves off a side walk. No big deal, right?

Then I thought, 'This is California; nobody walks on the frackin' side walks, so why is he moving the frackin' leaves?'

I say, make another silly California law or municipal code to outlaw those blower thing-ies and save the nation a lot of gas!

That was easy. Next problem!

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