Sunday, June 15, 2008

Javelin The Paparazzi

I just had a twisted idea.

Remember the hapless photographer, Ryan McGeeney, who Wandered onto a track and field javelin range and caught one with his leg? It was like something out of Braveheart.
What if celebs had a dark side they could unleash on the paparazzi for a change.

We all know there's a love/hate relationship with celebrity paparazzi.
We don't want our celebs injured, but we still want to know what they wear to the beach, to Walgreens, to their favorite bistro or club, what a bad hair day looks like for them and who they're screwing around with.
It's gotten so bad (or good) teens are buying digital cameras and joining the fray. I guess their parents are driving them around. Heck they make good money!

For most other folks and for the celebrities who are just plain sick and tired of the little parasites, I've thought up a new Olympic event. How about 'Javelin the Paparazzi?'

Although it sounds more like something worthy of a Roman Colosseum, it could easily be a Stephen King or M. Knight Shyamalan Olympics event.

If you're asking how a promoter would get the paparazzi to participate?
It'd be easy.
Lure them into an arena by telling them Angelina or Brad are going to have a tryst there then, when they're all inside, lock the gates and spring the trap!
Angelina and Brad will be there, but they'll be chucking javelins!

Watching them run for their lives with even more energy than they use running after celebs would be fun to watch. I think Mel Brooks could do the scene justice. Even if they never get skewered.

Just the look on their faces would be worth the price of admission.
And I bet they wouldn't even drop their cameras.

I know, How barbaric...
Why waste it on paparazzi.
Why not on cheating spouses? I'd sign up for that one.
Or those a-holes who take advantage of the elderly.

We could even use a Picador to slow them down a bit...
Hey, this is the southwest.

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