Friday, June 20, 2008

Jeez, Not Another Dumb California Law...

I was listening to my favorite radio station, NPR, today and they were seriously talking about frivolous energy consumption on this day of record-breaking power usage on the L.A. power grid. Okay, I thouoght, but their gripe and solution was uniquely Californian; fining department stores and grocery stores and common citizens for leaving their doors open and letting their air conditioning spill out onto the streets. Lawd-eee.
I particularly like the California law that states no vehicle can exceed 60 MPH without a driver. Or, 'no animal can have intercourse within 1,500 feet of a tavern, chool or place of worship.' Dman those outlaw animals!

The refrigeration spillage issue sounds like my mama when I was a kid: "Close the refrigerator door; are you trying to cool down the world?" No, mama, I couldn't possibly do that with ten thousand refrigerators. I'll just close the door.

A real-live California Assemblyman and what sounded like disgruntled stay-at home housewives - credit card in hand I'll bet - complained that department stores let their cool air out of their wide open stores during today's record breaking energy use levels across the Los Angeles power grid during this triple-digit heat wave we're experiencing.
Is there some sort of hallucinogen in California's tap and bottled water supply? Is life so easy here that there are no more serious issues worth NPR's time?

Yes, we are experiencing triple-digit heat sooner than last year, but come on!
They're talking about regulating the little guy while the real culprits giggle into their sleeves.

Look at the record breaking profits oil companies are making now. Highest oil-per-barrel prices, highest at the pump prices, but beware, California is going to present legislation to penalize someone for leaving their doors open with their air conditioning on? That's like blaming consumers for buying products they use in their homes or day to day life! God forbid! Is life so easy for those who are complaining that they can worry about that? People are losing their homes due to shady mortgage dealers, most folks can't afford to shop in department stores, unemployment in California has hit new levels. Air conditioning taxing power grids in the summer? Is this new?

Is anyone paying attention?
Oil prices have been an issue since Jimmy Carter was president. And more than 40 years later, we still don't have alternative power relieving this burden? This is America, for chirssakes!;
we are innovators, entrepreneurs, 'the world leader,' but the oil companies are still not allowing or slowing alternative fuels from getting to the market.

This power crisis is a failure of our leadership to foresee potential crises and avoiding them. Funny how this became an issue when an oil friendly oilman is in the White House. It would be funny were it not for all the chaos the high oil prices are causing.

You think the outcry is loud now? Just wait till November. I'd hate to be living in in the north and north east this winter when heating costs are going to be more than mortgages. You think the Celtics fans were loud? Just wait.

And the best California can do is to consider more dumb legislation to fine people and companies who leave their doors open and let their air conditioning out... Wow.
What's next? If I turn the air conditioning on in my car will someone with nothing better to do will write me a ticket for rolling down my window, letting my air conditioning out? If I fan myself in church will I have to drop more in the collection plate?


Some lucky, comfortably financially secure folks have the time to watch other folks business when they should be minding their own.

And please, not another dumb California law.

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