Friday, June 27, 2008

North Korea Destroying Nuke Plants?

If anyone thinks that they did it out of the goodness in their hearts, they have another think coming.
And if anyone thinks that all the money earned from all those cheap Chinese products that are flooding our markets is just going to China, they also have another think coming.

Think about it.
Our government cannot give North Korea money to stop their military aggression - like firing a missile over Japan without a military response - without public outcry but, we sure can pay them to cut it out. Kim, Jung Ill may talk a good game, but we have a forward deployed carrier group stationed in Japan and it wouldn't take too long to shoot down a N. Korean missile and send a few of our own. Not too many dictators want to tangle with US, especially after what happened to Saddam. Any if any dictator thinks that our military is 'that' overstretched, they too would get a swift and painful lesson and, yes, another think.

So, here's to the wise guys who know how to work diplomacy in its most basic form;
pay them off. Or better yet, get someone else to.


Marc said...
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Marc said...

I think that 1,000,000 men in one army are hard to kill.

All they have to do is "spread out" like the "Million Stooges."

Lil' Kim still scares me more than Iran's "I'm-a-dinner-jacket."

Nack, nack,nack.